
Better Day Today - Whew!

The pains yesterday didn't make any repeat performances today and the doctor thinks it was muscular pains from the symptoms I told him about. Blood work went well and I got my Herceptin and Taxol lunch special and made it home by 3:30 this afternoon. I am so glad that I feel so much better today. I was a good girl and I wore my white surgical mask there and back.

The jr. high school students are home early from school this week as there are no extra-curricular activities like band practice or track and field so the kids can study a little before their final exams. It is M's first experience with "tests that count." and she's been diligently looking through her textbooks and notes.

The elementary school should have started swimming lessons during gym class but they have a policy of no swimming in the rain or if the combined air and water temperatures are less than 50 degrees C (122 degrees F). What a waste of the school pool! What's wrong with purple lips? They've been begging me to take them to a pool every weekend but I think I'll pass on that and try to enjoy activities a little closer to home with fewer people around.