
Disoriented in the Orient

Last Friday started lurching around like a drunk so rush home to call my oncologist and he urge me to get to the cancer center right away. An adventurous journey to my station on downtown as confusion and nausea escalated got me here in about 90 minutes where I stumbled to the restroom and lost my lunch before checking in being whisked upstairs for an MRI.

Dr. F. met me back up in the room he'd arranged for me and confirmed two brain tumors; 4.0 and 2.5 cms. The big one comes out Friday and then the team will reassess the situation.
Meds are keeping symptoms at bay and my room has a view.

I may not post for a while because this computer is hard to use but I feel lots of love and prayers from family and friends around the world.


Monique de Vos said...

O Kathy I am sooooo sorry words fail you WILL be in my thoughs and prayers as always sweetie do hang in there, hugs,

Mariette said...

Yes, words fail me too. I wish you all the best for Friday that things go well!! You'll be in my thoughts.

Take care!


Mariette (from the Childrenchat group)

drollgirl said...

i just found out about you through girljapan. i sent a little money to you through paypal to help with your treatment. i hope you beat this bitch known as cancer. hold on. just hold on, and i hope you are better soon.

Tigermama said...

I am praying too! Love and light to you and yours.

illahee said...

kathy, i am so sorry to hear this. best of luck for your surgery. *hugs*

Ingrid said...

Dear Kathy,

So sorry to hear the bad news. My family are thinking of you through this trying time and wish you the best. Hope all goes well.


Ingrid Machida

emma fushimi said...

Kathy had surgery today (Friday 17th April) to remove one of the tumours in her brain. We just got news that the operation was successful and she is out of surgery and awake. She will be in ICU over the weekend.
A group has been set up to support Kathy and her family


please send a blank e-mail if you want to join the group.

Emma Fushimi, MIJ moderator

Unknown said...

Dear dear Kathy, I am so very sorry to hear that you need to have surgery on Friday. As if you haven't been through enough already. I admire your strength and courage. I think of you often and wish you all the best. Good luck with the surgery.
I am praying for you.
lots of love
Els Kondo

Anonymous said...

Hang on there! I can't even imagine the rough time you're going through, and can only send you my most sincere and best wishes. It is at times like this that you truly discover how loved and blessed you are, with all your family and friends surrounding you!

Arizona mom to eight said...

Love and prayers are coming to you from all over America, we love you Kathy. I hope you can feel the hugs meant for you.

ElaineM said...

Thoughts, good vibes and prayers are coming your way from Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!!!

Suzanne said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! Prayers from Canada. Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Love your blog :)

Jessica said...

You have been in my thoughts constantly since I heard about your surgery. Sending happy & healthy vibes to you and your family. Take care from Jessica in Wisconsin!

ElaineM said...

I hope things are going well and that you are feeling much better today.