
Back On Line

After a week of no computer time due to a broken AC adaptor, the local electronics shop finally called to tell me the new one they had ordered had arrived and was waiting to be picked up. So, here I am again.

The neighborhood autumn festival was last weekend. L and N helped pull a big drum and carry a portable shrine up and down the street in exchange for a large package of snack food. The drum was so big that it set off car alarms with its vibrations as men beat it with what look very much like softball bats (with all the brand names filed off to make it look more "Shinto") while the kids pulled it by. The kids earned their afterschool snacks for this week.

I've been quite social these past weeks, meeting friends for lunch and getting out and about much more frequently than usual. I made it to lunch in Harajuku with some friends from the opposite ends of Tokyo, a book and clothing exchange at a local foreign wife friend's house and lunch with a friend I hadn't met in 13 years within this past week.

I was so pleased with myself for clearing out some space in the closet by taking a box of books to give away but ended up bringing home about three times the volume in children's' clothes and a few things for me to wear. We store off-season clothes in big plastic cases and it's about time to shuffle the summer and winter things around again. Hopefully we'll make a little more room then...

The friend I hadn't seen in 13 years and I talked so much that I hope I didn't make her late for work after lunch. She insisted on treating me and I enjoyed rosemary chicken, mashed potatoes with garlic and salad at a downtown restaurant. The portions were big and I ended up leaving a little, which is a first for me. It was so nice to see her after all these years!

On the way home yesterday, I slipped on the wet steps at the station and now have a very dark and large bruise on my backside. I was glad that I didn't knock my head on the steps. It hasn't been this painful to sit since I fell out of the cherry tree onto a railroad spike and needed to get a tetnus booster in the other "cheek" about 36 or 7 years ago. Ouch! It is not so bad today though. I'll have to refrain from posing nude this month.

Feeling sorry for myself wouldn't fill the refrigerator, so I took my sore anterior out to buy some milk and other provisions only to have my back bicycle tire loudly pop halfway to the store in the cold, wet night, bursting my hopes of a comfortable ride home with my groceries. I took the bike through the back employees' entry and up the freight elevator to the cycle service desk on the 4th floor where an itinerant bicycle repair guy will be working on Saturday so I have no wheels for a few days.


Anonymous said...

I just came across your website and have an expert that I thought you might be interested in featuring on your site-Mary Olsen Kelly. Kelly is a breast cancer survivor herself and spent nearly four years researching this topic for her new project, Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul: Stories to Inspire, Support and Heal (October 2006). In the familiar spirit of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, this original, witty, and inspiring self-help book for breast cancer survivors, tackles the “big issues and challenges” of living with cancer. The author calls it a breast cancer support group between two covers.
I’m pasting information below about Kelly and her topic. Here are some ideas for how we can work with your site:
a. You can use the information below on your site.
b. We can e-mail you a review of the book.
c. We can send you a book for you to review on your site.
d. You can use an excerpt (see samples included below) from the book.
e. You can use Mary as an expert source when you have a topic that is appropriate for her.
f. We can provide a Q&A with Mary that you can use.
g. She can write an article for your site or use her article 10 tips for coping with breast cancer.
Please let me know if you are interested in any of these possibilities. Thanks for your time.

Laura Barganier
Assistant Publicist
PR by the Book, LLC
(972) 978 – 7665

CONTACT: Erika Sumner, PR by the Book, (281) 895-7190, erika@prbythebook.com

Breast Cancer Survivors get a special dose of Chicken Soup for their Soul
Interview Mary Olsen Kelly for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October

HONOLULU- Since fighting breast cancer, Mary Olsen Kelly lives with a “Do it now!” attitude. The estimated 2.3 million women across the United States who have who dealt with or are dealing with breast cancer will find hope and a portable support group to sustain and comfort them in these times of need.

That ‘Do it now!’ attitude inspired Kelly to develop and co-create Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul: Stories to Inspire, Support and Heal. In the familiar spirit of the Chicken Soup series, Kelly captures the uplifting and often emotional breast cancer stories from survivors around the world, women and one man, and their families.

Kelly can discuss:
Her own breast cancer survival story and her advice for others
How this important project came about and how it relates to October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Favorite stories from the book that will touch your audience
Kelly says, “Put nothing off for the future, do all the things you want to do now. We never know how long we have to live, so dream BIG and have a fantastic life filled with love, creativity, passion, and joy.”

Mary Olsen Kelly is a breast cancer survivor, writer and business owner. Olsen is proactive in her work on behalf of breast cancer and is Director of the Breast Wishes Institute, a non-profit charitable institute www.BreastWishes.org.
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are the #1 New York Times and USA Today best-selling authors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. They are professional speakers who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the personal and professional development of others.

For more information, check out http://www.hcibooks.com. To schedule an interview, please contact Erika Sumner, PR by the Book, (281) 895-7190, Erika@prbythebook.com