
Plan B, or is it C?

Not wanting to waste the weekend I wrestled away from the children's friends and other activities, when we all felt fine after all on Friday night, I decided to use the refund from the canceled ski trip on a day at Disneyland. L was very pleased as he had never been. We took an early train and had a great day in spite of the crowds.

We got back around 10:30 and were surprised to see that S had scraped old paint off the bathroom walls in order to repaint them this weekend. We were too tired to do much but change into pajamas, brush our teeth and go right to bed anyway. S came home after 11 and was surprised to see us. He thought we were off skiing because he hadn't heard when we told him that we'd canceled. He was going to surprise us with home improvements.

Exhausted from our adventures, we slept in until noon today and he had plenty of time to paint without all of us underfoot. Then I set up a "Do Not Cross" line with masking tape across the door so the kids, who listen as well as S does, wouldn't go and touch the new paint after I told everyone "Don't touch!" (Which they all understand as"Touch and see why she says that.") The visual reminder has been effective all day. I took the children to a large public bath a few stations away for the afternoon so now we're as clean as the newly painted bathroom is. Tomorrow is a new week.


anchan said...

lol, very true about the touching - when I put a dish on the table with a warning of, 'Be careful, it's hot!, my husband always, without fail, has to touch it to see just how hot!

Sounds like you had a fab weekend!

Viki in Chiba said...

Sorry you couldn't ski, but hopefully you can go again during Spring break? I know a cheap private Christian place in Nojiriko area if you drive...but too far for taking public transportation.