
Thank you MIJers!

Last year at this time I was overwhelmed with the worries of paying for ongoing life extending cancer treatments and then overwhelmed again by the support of MIJ sisters, women in an online group in Japan. Thanks to the pledges and donations I received, I was able to relax and focus on getting my weekly treatments and enjoying time with my children this year.

The National Health Insurance plan has a contingency to assist members when their 30% share of the medical costs is high so I have been able to keep my medical costs down to 44,400 yen a month plus train fare after the monthly refunds. I've been able to continue teaching at my husband's English school as well as a few extra teaching and editing jobs here and there so things don't seem so dire financially this year. Whew! Thank you for helping through that all MIJ.

Treatment-wise, I've worked my way through the various treatments that were available and and the tumors in my lungs are still growing, probably more slowly than with no treatments. I'll be getting a bone scan next week to check on some spots that look cancerous on my hip and pelvis. The treatment for these bone metastases will be radiation every day for two or three weeks when I decide that I need help with the pain. I'm not in pain now though, so I'm in no rush to roast my rump just yet. I will be talking with a team of oncologists on April 1st about possible phase one clinical trials. Phase one is just after the lab research, basically when they need to find out how much humans can tolerate before it either stops working or the side effects become worse than the disease. It's exciting that I may get to try new treatments sooner rather than later. I guess I just have to wait until April to find out exactly what trials though, no matter how impatient I am.

I am glad that I feel well enough to get out and around with the kids and enjoy this lovely spring.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing okay despite your health problems.
Good for you !! Keep putting one foot in front of the other.