
Back to School

All the schools are concerned about H1N1 flu and we've been asked to take each child's temperature every morning for a couple of weeks and go see a doctor for every sniffle, sneeze or ache before heading off to school. J came home early with a slight fever and a scratchy throat on Monday and L woke up at 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday with a headache and promptly threw up twice. I took them both to the clinic down the street to be diagnosed with a common cold and a stomach bug respectively. They stayed home although they already felt better because school was almost over by the time we finished at the doctor's office. Everyone went to school today.

J was relieved that it wasn't the swine flu as she has a big event coming up at school this weekend. Many of her classmates are wearing surgical masks at school, hoping to ward off the flu until the school festival is over. I imagine it will look a little strange; thousand of teenagers presenting their projects and trying to show visitors a good time while wearing masks. I hope that it stays cool for the weekend so I can go and listen to J's wind orchestra concert.

M has to start narrowing down her high school choices. I guess we should check out a few more festivals and open houses. She is not very excited by the prospect of entrance exams. Next February and her school is trying to stir the entire 9th grade into a frenzy about matriculation so I expect she'll be in a bad mood for the next six months. She is looking forward to her school trip to Kyoto this month at any rate.

I've been to the hospital a few times since returning from our wonderful trip to Central New York. The neurosurgeon didn't like some swelling around the gamma-knifed tumor and wanted a PET scan to confirm that it was not active cancer. Thankfully, it wasn't, but we have to watch the area to make sure that any necrosis in the area doesn't spread. He wanted to know if I'd been having trouble speaking or with coordination on my right side (no problems that I'd noticed). Of course as soon as he asked, I found myself at a loss for words. I'll see him again on 9/11 (when I go for my next chemo) and we'll decide if I should take steroids to keep any swelling down.

In the meantime, the restaurant a friend and I had reserved for a big luncheon in November called to cancel our reservation as they are going out of business. This was after we'd sent out hundreds of flyers with information on the restaurant and started taking reservations. Auuugh! Fortunately we were able to check out a few more options today and reserve a new place near the same station and the event will take place on schedule. We even managed to keep the same theme, Italian, and about the same price. So, any AFWJer who might be reading this, please know that we are looking forward to seeing you at the Kanto Fall Luncheon and further details will be posted shortly in the e-groups and other group media.